And the manipulation begins..

Photo by VanveenJF on Unsplash

The power went out last night. You may have heard about it. You may have even experienced it. I did. I stayed awake until 0730 sweating and swatting at the mozzies. Damned mozzies. I barely got any sleep.

Of course, my first reaction was "somebody must pay."

We pay the power bills, is it too much to ask that we get what we pay for. Of course the LKGOV doesn't have much of an excuse now do they? The big excuse has now been "wiped out". The Government has "won". It's all going to be wine and roses from now on.

But I want to know why. Some kind of reason as to why the entire country went dark. Why I didn't get to sleep. I want something that is rare in Sri Lanka. I want accountability. I want someone to say, "Sorry, I screwed up".

So do a lot of other people. All that we get is "We're not sure what went wrong. So we're going to start a commission to find out why."

Great. Fine. Awesome. After all, this is Sri Lanka, where Commissions have done excellent jobs in uncovering the truth.

Can you tell I'm being sarcastic? Good!

Then I turned on the TV today, and there was a lovely Thought of The Day type thing going just after the news.

They tell us that we should stop blaming the poor innocent heroes of the Ceylon Electricity Board. That we should stop asking why these things are happening. That we should not do anything that would cause a lowering of the morale of the CEB.

Wait, WHAT?

They seriously expect us to stop asking questions because it would cause a "drop in morale"? What the fuck gave them that idea?

Oh yeah. The War.

The so-called "humanitarian effort" that still has over 200,000 people in concentration camps.

During the war we were told that we shouldn't ask questions. That we should not demand accountability or transparency. That if we did that we would be undermining the morale of the "brave soldiers". That we would be engaging in treason. That the white vans would come for us. So we shut up.

We allowed massacres, shelling of civillian areas, stealing of money. We allowed innocent people to be herded into camps that we know are terrible places to live in. We are all guilty by complicity in what is happening in Menik Farm today.

And the LKGOV watched. And they learned. And now they are using it on us all over again.

Only this time, it is the CEB. The brave soldiers who are fighting to bring us light.

We should not question their shortcomings, it would lower their morale.

Whose morale are we supposed to protect next?

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