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I will punch you in the face

I will not punch you in the face for being a Nazi. Though I find Nazism abhorrent, it's your right to believe in it.

I will not punch you in the face for being a racist. Again, you have the absolute, inalienable right to that stupid, outdated, abhorrent belief.

Being stupid is not a crime, although there are many days I wish it were.

I will not punch you in the face for hanging out with your Nazi, racist, supremacist friends in your little fortresses of hate and stupidity.

I WILL punch you in the face for advocating, approving, and encouraging, either actively or passively, harm against people.

I WILL punch you in the face for trying to take away freedoms from people, when those freedoms don't affect you.

And I will punch you in the face, not because I don't believe in rational discourse, but because by going out and shouting in public, you are not engaging in rational discourse, you are not willing to have facts presented to you.

I will punch you in the face because you are just out there spreading your filth and poison, and encouraging people to destroy others' lives.

I will punch you in the face because freedom is - despite how much we would like it to be otherwise - not a right, but a privilege. A privilege that we should fight to protect.

A privilege for which I will punch you in the face.

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