Thoughts after the bomb..
A bomb went off in Nugegoda yesterday, less than 50 meters from The Linux Center.
Obviously, I went off running to see what I could do to help. I got there maybe 30 seconds after it all happened. Not more than a minute anyway, and it was a bad scene.. I saw one schoolgirl being carried off, at least three more people lying on the ground, one guy on fire, and at least five bodies in various states of burning near the mobike stand. I helped pull bodies out, then went and got a couple of CO2 cylinders from the petrol shed and the nearby Keells (big ups to both of them), to try to put out the fires. Not that it was much use.
This isn't the first bomb I've been in. I hope it's the last. But the way things are going, this won't be the last bomb we have to face here in Colombo.
The Chinthanaya has been on TV the past few days/weeks/months stating how he's going to bring the LTTE to their knees. We have attacked many places in the Vanni, we've managed to kill their political head. We've built lovely arched roofs for the checkpoints (how much do you think those cost? A lakh? More?) so that the cops can check us in comfort. And yet, this happened.
The problem with all this, is that we never really considered what the LTTE would do. Did we realy expect them to stick around with their thumbs up their asses as we attacked them? Did we think that debacle at Anuradhapura was the end of it?
We need to realise something fast. The LTTE is a terrorist organisation, and you cannot wipe out a terrorist organisation through force. Everything you do to them only encourages other poor dupes to join them. For every bomb you drop, another 10 people join up. Every time you try to bring them down by attacking the civillian areas, they get more support from everywhere. Sometimes the only way to win, is not to play.
The LTTE live for these things. They WANT civillian casualties, in the south to strike terror into the populace, and in the north, to gain support for their cause. And I can tell you right now, they're succeeding in both. Is there any doubt or question that there will be more bombing raids in the Vanni now? Is there any question that more civillians will die there?
Unfortunately the warmongers are the first to cry out for revenge. The Southern Terrorists (aka the JVP), the Sons of the Buddha (aka the JHU) will all scream for more bombs to be dropped, for more killings, for more attacks. And then they'll go back to their security-ensured dwellings, travel in their million-rupee luxury cars, and wring their hands on TV about the suffering of the innocent people.
There is a way to end this war. It is not a pretty way. It is not an easy way, and it sure as hell won't get you any votes. But it will work.
Declare peace!!
Tell the world that we are not fighting the LTTE anymore. Tell them that they have the Vanni, and we're opening the gates. Anyone who wants to go into or come out of the Vanni can do so. If you want to be even more effective, speak to a few brothel owners and open a brothel just outside, give any LTTE members a "forces discount". Offer to bring ANY LTTE cadres who surrender to the south, give them a job, teach them Sinhala, give them a new identity if need be.
Take away the checkpoints. Tell people that we are not going to live in fear. Tell people the truth, that no amount of checkpoints and security will stop someone who wants to bomb or hurt you. Tell them to be careful and vigilant, but also to understand that life today is a risk and no one can bring that risk down to zero. Let the people understand that this security theater that we have right now only makes them feel better withuot actually securing anyone.
Remove the PSD and the MSD, or at least minimise them. Let the people know that the politicians are willing to face the same risks as the people are. Emphasise that we are all in this boat together, and it is for the politicians' benefit to end it as well
Finally, tell the world that we are no longer at war. Tell them that any attacks done on the civillians is a direct result of the LTTE not wanting to give in. That we are willing to bring them into the governance whenever they're ready. Tell the world that if they want to stop civillian deaths, pressure the LTTE to come to the table.
A pipe dream maybe. Unrealistic, I don't think so. The basis for the LTTE's fight is "look what the Sinhalese government is doing to us." Take away their reasons. Work with transparency and honesty. Show the world that we are trying for peace, and who the real warmongers are.
Eris knows, the other method that we followed didn't work.
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