Booster Blitz Powder test

Photo by VanveenJF on Unsplash

Yes, I know. I haven't posted lately. A lot of half-written articles are in my blog cache, but none are ready for being seen. So here I go.

Yesterday - in the process of getting ready for a long-weekend trip to Batticaloa and Pasikuddah - I went shpoping. Bought many things. Food, and eats a few meds and lions and tigers and bears. Oh my! I also picked up a few cans of Booster Blitz.

For those of you who don't know what Booster Blitz is, it is an energy drink from Malaysia. I prefer it to the candy taste of Red Bull, and at LKR 120 cheaper for a can - LKR160 for Booster vs LKR280 for Red Bull - it has other benefits too. Like being able to buy more for whatever you have in your wallet.

Now I'm a caffeine freak. I used to drink 3-liter bottles of Mountain Dew while in the US, and multiple 1.5-liter bottles while it was being sold here in Sri Lanka. I used to drink 8 cups (big mugs) of coffee a day. I still go through a 1.5-liter of Coca Cola every day, but I will joyously - nay ecstatically - throw it over for Mountain Dew if it becomes available in Sri lanka again. I drink double espressos at high speed. I get withdrawal headaches if I don't get my daily dose. And I now have gastric pain because of 3 double espressos in 2 hours on an empty stomach. My body's way of telling me it's not what it used to be.

As I check out with the supplies, I notice little sachets for sale at the counter. They also say Booster Blitz. What is this? I pick a few up to find that it is Booster, but in powdered just-add-water form. Curiouser and curiouser. At LKR80 per packet it is half the price of the Booster-Blitz-in-a-can. Always willing to try something new, I pick up a few packets.

Then - on the way home - it hits me. We used to eat concentrated drink mix when I was a kid. I remember having a packet of Coleman's Orange mix and using a spoon to dig out the raw powder mix and eat it. It gives you a massive sugar boost. And since it is powdered as you it it, you can't help inhaling some of it, which gives you a sore throat and yellow snot for three days. This is probably like that. And if I eat it raw instead of mixing it with water, it would be like mainlining caffeine.

This is one of my better ideas. And possibly an indication of what it is like in my head.

It is now 0830. I have a full day's class to do. I am running on 5 hours sleep. I am not a morning person. I have already whacked about 25% of a 1.5-liter of Coke. I am now going to have one of those packets. And in the interests of posterity, I am going to document all of this here. This is an excellent idea!


0830: I open the packet and the smell of Booster fills my nose. The powder is ivory white. Kind of like heroin. Not that I would know what heroin would look like since I am a good boy and would never do anything illegal. Or immoral. Or fattening. The packet has no sugar, just the boosty part of the drink. Here, as they say, goes nothing.

Ok. That wasn't too bad. It had some kind of sweetness to it. It also had fizzmakers built in that made me foam at the mouth. The flavour concentrate is still giving me a Booster taste in my mouth. I am not expecting any immediate reaction, but I should feel something within the next 10-15 minutes. One thing that is happening is that I am burping. A lot. This is probably the fizz-makers still fizzing away in my stomach.

0840: I've just had a shower, so I am not sure if it is a result of the shower or the Booster or some psychosomatic reaction. But I do feel more alert. And the effect is faster than from the Booster drink. Effects to the abused stomach are minimal to none. Lots of burping is still happening, but there is that hyper activagted feeling.

My brain is sparking, the neurons firing off in odd and random directions. I am even able to finish off a blog post and prep it and post it in under an hour. Sure its a short(ish) post, but it is a post.

Conclusion: Caffeine good. Booster good (because of aforesaid caffeine). Booster Blitz powder, an efficient delivery system of aforesaid Booster Blitz and caffeine.

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